Do you remember where lightsaber training started in the US? In NYC in 2005? We do.
Our good friends at the Big Apple Con, run by NY Comic community legend Michael Carbonaro, were hosting a really special BigAppleCon in November of 2005, and NY Jedi had JUST broken out on the Cosplay scene (before it was called Cosplay, actually) with a spectacular performance at the 2005 Greenwich Village Halloween Parade. The famous Zorikh Lequidre was Ops Facilitator for all the Fan Tables and Artist groups, and were offered a table right next to none other than… Carrie Fisher. [Quote: “It’s a BULLS**T day with out a lightsaber, right, guys!?” BigApple Con, Nov 2005] (See photo at right –>)
“At the end of the event, Carrie pulled me aside and said, “Flynn, I’ve been all around the world and seen so many loyal and dedicated Star Wars fans, and they are all so creative, but what you all are doing here, with the Martial Arts training for lightsabers? …That’s magical. No one else is doing this. Don’t stop what you’re doing, this is truly great.” And with that, Carrie gave me the best hug I’ve ever gotten.
-Flynn Michael Brown, founder, NYJ